Let's Talk About: I've Just Received the PERFECT Press Trip Invite (Hint: Every Publicist Should Copy It)!
Seriously, it has EVERY element required for the journalist to make a decision on attending
Good morning and happy hump day!
I receive (on average) 3-7 press trip invitations every week. And this has been going on for YEARS. As you can imagine, I have to decline 95% of them … if I didn’t, I’d NEVER be home. And I’d never have time to actually write. And my fiancé would probably leave me and our dog wouldn’t know who I am.
But most press trip invitations I receive are flawed in some way … either they are missing some crucial element of information I’d need to make my decision, they contain a “red flag phrase” that will cause me to hit delete, or they have some other turnoff that makes me cringe.
The thing is, in-demand journalists have a LOT of options for press trips … publicists are truly vying for our attention in our inboxes AND our RSVPs. We only have so much space on our calendars to accept press trip invites, and we’ll always want to work with publicists who immediately demonstrate that they GET it. So it’s your job to show that right off the bat … wow us with your attention to detail, knowledge of how the industry works, and helpfulness.
It’s rare to receive an invite that has ALL the details I need from the get-go … but it just happened to me!
So I’m going to paste it here, and then dissect every element of it so you can understand WHY it’s a shining star in my inbox. And then, you can copy these elements the next time you send a press trip invite to help increase your odds of getting your PRIME targets to say yes: